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Sunday, April 7, 1918

Harry got in at 7 a. m. & slept until 

noon. The Canteen Service was called 

out at 12 and 2 to meet 500 soldiers

on each train. We gave them flowers,

magazines & postal cards. They 

seemed to appreciate them very much.

Mother, Mary & I walked to the 

park and about half a dozen little girls 

down there helped pick violets

which we made into bouquets. Elizabeth

& Howard came by for me in their

car & took Marnie too. After the 

train left they took us for a ride. 

Elizabeth & Howard came in & had

supper & spent the eve with us. They enjoyed 


Monday, April 8, 1918

Have knitted every spare moment

today. With Mother's assistance

my 3rd sweater is done. Mary & I

were out as usual this afternoon. 

Met Katie. She took us in the car

a little while. Have been to a 

Canteen meeting all evening at the 

