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Monday, March 18, 1918

Harry left early this a. m. and didn't

return tonight, So I put Mary

in her buggy. We went down to hear

the minstrel bank. Everytime they

stopped playing she said "more."

Mother & "us" dined at the cafeteria.

We came home Mary napped. 

Then Marnie, Mary & I went to

see ["the Ba ?"] Mother went 

to a church party tonight. Mary

& I played around & had a good

time. Had a letter from Bess [Belmont?]

She announces the "stork" for May. 

Tuesday, March 19, 1918

Baked oatmeal cookies this a. m.

Mother, Mary & I were out this

afternoon. Stopped to see Tanta & 

Katie wrote letters to Mrs. Johntz,

Bess & Grace B. Knitted all evening. 
