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would send his car back for us, so

Mr. + Mrs. [Gr...?], E, Mr. Hornbaker, Mr.

King + I waited at the Broadway door

until I was almost frozen, so Mr.

King + I slipped inside, out of the

wind. We were very much interested

in our conversation, and finally we

decided it was too cold to wait any

longer + we came out + said to

the others "We think we'll walk," at

which a howl went up, as they said

they had called to us two or three

times suggesting that, + we never

heard them. I guess they exaggerated

somewhat. The Cornwall men stayed at

the [Waldr...?] to-night. 

Sat. Apr. 30th

E went over to the hotel this morning,

and after doing my ordering, I went

over there too. Went up to Miss Stewart's

room, + found Mrs. Green, Constance, E

+ Miss Stewart there. Later I had to go

down town, so left the hotel about

eleven. E went over to the hotel to play

for rehearsal + didn't get home until

quarter of two. In the afternoon

[A...son Fowler?] phoned, + E answered

it, + I heard her saying 'Oh, I'm

so sorry" + kept it up so long, +

finally when they rang off, she told

me what had happened. His uncle
