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Mon. Apr. 25th
I worked on the programme this A. M.
while E was at Stewart Hall playing for
rehearsal. Aunt Nellie spent the afternoon
with Aunt Evelina and Aunt Jean. E went
over to play for the children's dances, and
I went driving with Father. He went out
near Temple Hill, and the couintry was
lovely, but the weather is still very cold.
Father dropped me at Stewart Hall, and
such a bedlam I never heard. Miss
Stewart asked me to interview a
reporter who was there, and give him
the names of the "Court Dance," so I had
a high old time trying to find out all
the names. After that E struck a snag in
a certain piece of music, so while she
pounded out the bass, I banged out the
treble, & had quite a little fun out of
it. I came home about five o'clock, as
Mr. King was coming up early, and we
were to try over the song which Miss
Stewart wants us to sing in the Polo
Dance. "Half-past two" from the Arcadian.
He arrived soon after I got dressed,
and we talked it over, then decided
to try and sing it several times. We
simply don't know what to do. I can't
tell what Mr. King thinks about it, and
I'm sure it's perfectly immaterial to me
