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see them. To-night the [Whitehills'] had

planned a big dinner for them in

their new house + Aunt [Eevelina], Aunt

Jean, + Father were the only ones

asked besides the [Whitehills]. They had

a fine time and a wonderful dinner.

Elizabeth came in to see us to-night.

Tues. Nov. 3rd

This is the day that I have been thinking

about for ages. We couldn't have a more

perfect day, as to weather. E + I went up

for a few minutes to see Bunny but

couldn't stay very long as we had to

dress before lunch. We three, Father, E +

I took the 12: 58 to N.Y. reaching Uncle

[Emmuel's] about 3:30. All the girls were

home, but Uncle [Eemmuel] + Aunt [Jammie]

were out walking. They came in soon

however, just as we all were having
