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Fri. Oct. 9th

We thought the [Deys] bunch were coming

to day, but they have decided to come

tomorrow. Before the [Day Nursery] meeting

we went down to Miss [Bunnets] + I had

my final sitting for my dress + it is

perfectly dear. After the meeting E [...]

asked us to go + have some ice cream,

+ later we went down town + bought

dining room curtains. In the afternoon

E [...] came down early, + as the [tabler]

had been put up in Father's room,

we hung them all with [sheets] +

table cloths, but coudln't arrange the

presents as the electrician didn't

come until five o'clock to arrange the

extra lights. Bunny [wrote] [...]

down here all afternoon. [Eeffie] left

about half past four, + [C...] Helen

came in later. Aunt [Eevelina], Aunt

Jean, Cornelia, Mrs. [Whilihill], Mrs.
