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the dear little Boy has been suffering for the last

this day with the ear ache. I hope our remedy

has partially relieved him, as he is now sleeping

quietly. Truly sickness prevaileth this morning

heard of the indisposition of Corbin Mercer

son of Dr. Mercer. I fear they will have a serious

time of it as it appears to be passing through

his interesting family consisting of seven

children. The good Lord loveth whom he chastiseth

is truly consoling to afflicted parents; the only

happiness in this world attends a firm reliance

on the promises contained in holy writ. 

Lord have mercy upon us all strengthen us in 

temptatoin hour: and increase our weak faith. 

June 17th 1850

I have been permitted through the goodness 

of God which endureth yet duly to hear his 

word expounded and commented  for the 

last four days. I hope the good advice and warnings

which have been so frequently given may not

add to condemnation I sadly fear I have not imp

roved the advantages. and lived up to my 

many privileges what counsel has been 
