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Would to the Good Being we were all more dutiful 

and more watchful to make ouir  high calling

and election sure; Mr. Waller is quite unwell

this night. being now delivering his corn, 

haivng great anxiety to ascertain the amount

of his crop confines himself very strictly to 

the measurement which necessarily exposes

him more than is customary for him to do. 

Consequently the exposure has effected his

thorax and head which I very much fear, will

terminate seriously I pray God to have mercy 

upon us. Let his will and not ours be done. 

Give us patience and submission to his most 

holy law. Be it what it may the Lord knows best. 

I commenced a dress todayi made but little 

progress time passes so swiftly and I am so very

nefgligent I know I do not improve it as it 

flies. Lord help me to take note and let no more 

pass unimproved. Thank God I feel much better

this night having been much refreshed by a 

short walk this afternoon, which somewhat eased 

my aching head. I hope with God's help I may 

keep well and live to his Glory and honor. 
