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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

                                         Mountain Home May 17th 1860 

Dear Pattie,

          George told me to tell you he is so lazy that he can't write. He recieved your letter last week and was as usual very glad to hear from you he was very much "disappointed to not to find your likeness."(his very words) He say you must be sure to send it to him. I think you ought to too he took his [locket?] money to have his taken for you. He seems perfectly contented here any my little sister Annie thinks he is her Brother. He told me to tell you that he and  Millie kept their pigeons together those two were very fond of each other. I believe George likes Rogers but they have had two fights I don't know which beat or was beaten once they had to stop and the other time they got tired. They always have been very fond of each other. I am writng in the Library George is standing by me telling me what to say. He told me to tell you that he had a had a him and some chickens but he got tired of them and gave them to Mother and that after that one of them was he saw such a pretty little rooster that he begged her to give them back to him. Pa says he is learning very fastI think he is improving very much. He says he wants to see you very much. You must write to him very soon. You must be [lazy?]to send your likeness he is very annoyed [today?]if [?] [?] [?]
                                         [?] June 22nd 1860

Dear Cousin Emile,

                 I know you will be very much surprised to get this letter but I thought perhaps you got in setted because I did not answer your letter for such a long time