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March 1862

Saturday 1st
Wind N & WNW. clear & very cold in Morning
moderated in Evening. I fear we will have more rain
Got Wood. Raked Sea Ore. Mended some bad ruts
in lane & fixed bridges. Marys husband & child have
the measles, so Maria had to carry Mrs Taylor little
baby home as Mary could not nurse it & there was no
one else here that could. Jeff Sinclair Jr here in m.g.

Sunday 2
Wind E & SE Cloudy & rained a little, frequently during the day.
I staid at home. Sent the Carriage to Belle Farm for
Maria who returned about 3 O,clk. She is quite sick with
Sore Throat & Nausia. Mrs Carney brought 38 yds cloth home.
I paid her $10 which overpaid her $1.88

Monday 3
Wind SW Foggy & Rainy all day. Very hard rain last night
Cut wood. Repaired Hog Shelters & hauled Sea Ore and
woods litter to them. Maria is quite sick. She has a
dreadfully sore throat, high fever & Nausia. A little
servant Boy (Moses) got badly burnt yesterday on his legs

Tuesday 4
Wind NW Clear. It rained again last night.
Hauled Woods litter. Hauled Wood in wagon.
Cut wood. Maria better but still quite sick
Some 12 or 15 steamers went up the Bay this Ev.g together. I
dont of course know their destination.
