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January 1862

Thursday 23rd
Wind NE. Cloudy cold & occasionally rained.
The Men Mauled some Rails & got some wood
The Women & small hands did nothing.
Gabriel has been at Mr Sinclairs (his wifes house) sick
with the Jaundice for the last week.

Friday 24
Wind NE. Rained all day, very bad weather.
Tides very high. Hands did nothing.

Saturday 25
Wind NW. Cloudy till Mdn. Then Clear.
Got Wood. Put a stack of Fodder up the Barn loft
The earth is very wet & the Roads terrible.
Mr Hogg came from Gloster Point this Evening sick

Sunday 26
Wind W. Clear. We rode to Sister Anns in Ev.g.
Major Goggin got there from Richmond last night.
We have met with a terrible disaster at Somerset K.Y.
Genl Zollicoffer killed. The Army routed with loss
of Cannon, Baggage, Horses & Camp Equipage. It is said
that Genl Crittenden who order the attack was drunk and
instead of attacking 1500 as he supposed with about 6ooo
The Enemy were 14,000 strong behind their entrenchments
Our Army fought bravely & killed more of the Enemy than we lost
and finally made good their retreat across Cumberland River.
