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June 1861

Thursday 20th Wind SE Clear. Breaking up Middles & Hilling Corn. [Colo?] Magruder reoccupied his former position at Bethel. The Enemy were not advancing he was misinformed by his scouts.

Friday 21 Wind W Clear. Thunder in Evening but no rain. Breaking up Middles & Hilling Corn. Maria & the children went to Wilsons Creek. Dr Cary reccommended change of air for the baby. I was out all last night guarding the Mouth of the River & am very unwell To.day. Threatened with Dysentary.

Saturday 22 Wind S Clear. Ploughing & Hilling Corn till 12 O.clk Gave the hands the rest of the day I am very unwell I have dysentary. Mr Goggin got to Sister Anns To.day.

Sunday 23 Wind S Clear & very dry every thing parching up I was very sick sent for Dr Page. Mr Jeff Sinclair, & Fayette Sinclair here in m.g. Fayette was in the [“Battle at Bethel”][underlined] No important news from the seats of War


except that the Yankees ^ badly beaten in a skirmish at Viena in Fairfax County. Maria & the children returned in Evg The Baby much improved.