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June 1863

Tuesday 23rd
Wind SW Clear. Joshua Throwing dirt to Corn
Alick & Henry planting pease

Wednesday 24
Wind W alternately clear & cloudy. Throwing dirt to Corn
Maria & the children spent the day at Wilson’s Creek
they went in an Ox Cart now the only team I have.
No mail today.

Thursday 25
Wind SW Cloudy & rained a good deal last night and
some today. Ploughing Corn. Finished planting white Pease.

Friday 26
Wind NE Cloudy. Sent to Mill. Thinning corn.

Saturday 27
Wind NE Cloudy. Rained last night. Throwing dirt
to Corn & thinning it. No mail today. A Yankee force
estimated at from fifteen Thousand to Forty thousand said to
be at the White House. Their cry is “On to Richmond”
so all communication between this and Richmond is cut off.

From private sources tis reported that we obtained
a [great & decisive victory][underlined] at Vicksburg last Saturday
Enemy’s loss Ten Thousand ours five or six hundred.
Tis also reported that we have obtained several consid-
-erable successes in Tennessee & Kentucky.
