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June 1863

Monday 1st
Wind S W. clear, hot and dry. The corn is dying
for want of rain. Planted a little lot near Overseers
house in corn. Court day I went to Ct house with
Keith Sinclair. The Yankees have been driven back from
the fortifications before Vicksburg Seven Times with great slaughter

Tuesday 2
Wind S W clear hot and dry. Replanting Corn
Sent to Mr. Curtis’ after Flour. Mer Curtis & Boswell
Seawell dined here The Yankee Cavalry were out Yesterday
stealing horses and Mules. The took Dean’s, Tom Minor’s
Mr Baytops and a good many others and some negroes.

Wednesday 3.
Wind N E cloudy. It rained in little showers from Sun Rise
till 12 or 1 O,clk but not enough to do any good. Set out some
Cabbage plants in Garden. Replanted corn. It is very much [missing?].

Thursday 4
Wind E Clear. Finished Replanting Corn. Planted Irish
Potatoes & some Corn for wasting Ears in lot back of Stable.
Mr Curtis brought sister Ann to stay with Maria. He heard
the Yankees assaulted Vicksburg the Ninth time and were driven
back across the Big Black River with immense Slaughter.
and that they had abandoned its siege.
