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March 1863

Sunday 1st

Wind W Cloudy till 12 o clk Clear in Eveng
We staid at home

Monday 2

Wind E Clear. Mauling Rails. Cutting wood.
Court day. I went to the Ct House.

Tuesday 3

Wind SW Mg NW Evg Clear. Mauling Rails.
Hauling wood. Raking Pine litters. Sent Nick to Mr W
P Smith for 500 lb Tobacco. Maria & the children went to Wilsons
Creek and spent the day.

Wednesday 4

Wind N Clear & cold. Mauling Rails cutting Tops into
wood. Sent the Tobacco To Mr Croswell. I went to C.H.
My little boy Billy who waited in the house went to the
Yankees to,day.

Thursday 5

Wind N Clear & very cold. Ice an Inch thick Mauling Rails
Cutting wood. Heally Curtis was married this m.g.
at her Fathers to Capt John Cringan a Native of Richmond
but now in the Army. We went to the wedding. Maria & the
children spent the night at Wilsons Creek. Mr. Gilbert Philips here.

Friday 6

Wind SW Haizy Making fence Raking woods litter
Major Sinclair Mr Philips & a Mr Patrick spent last night here
They started for Poquosin River but returned. Old Capt Hopkins came
with some goods. Maria returned home to dinner.
