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January 1863

Wednesday 21

Wind N Cloudy. Mauling Rails. Hauling logs. Raking & hauling
woods litter to Farm Pen. Rained a good deal last night

Thursday 22

Wind N cloudy. Hauling logs. Mauling Rails. Hauling
wood in Tumbrel. Raking woods ligger. I went to Capt Marshall

Friday 23

Wind NE Cloudy. Hauling logs. Mauling Rails.
Raking woods litter. I went to T Taliafino’s & he & Dr Taliafino
came here & went to Capt Marshalls to buy some goods his son
had brought from the Eastern Shore.

Saturday 24

Wind NW Cloudy. Hauling wood. Mauling Rails.
Raking wood’s litter. I went to C. Ho & carried Dr Taliafino.
Sent a Barrel of Whiskey they had bought of Marshall to
the Ct. House. Mrs White & Mrs Hurst was there & came here
in my Tumbrel. Richard came home with a sore throat.

Sunday 25

Wind W Cloudy. We staid at home. Mrs Shite & Mrs Hurst
went over to Guinea on their way home in York County.

Monday 26

Wind SW Clear & cloudy alternately. Mauling Rails. Hauling woods
litter to Farm Pen. Sent Tumbrel to Ct house with Marshalls goods which
he sold to TB Taliafino. I went to CH & carried Capt Marshall.

Tuesday 27

Wiind SW Cloudy & rained from 12 O.clk. Hauling out & scattering stable
Manure. Mauling Rails. The Crusader up the River Today.
