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December 1862

Wednesday 17th

Wind NW Cloudy and looks very like it would snow
Cut out and Salted up Pork. Began to make Winter Farm
Pen & shelter for Cattle. Sent Joshua & Nick to assist Mr Sinclair
to kill his hogs. Sent Richard to school. Carter says the Yankees
took Mr Jef Stubb’s horses & mules, Burnt Adams’ Tan Yarn
and took & destroyed all the Leather there. I had 7 sides there which
of course is lost to me. Got the Richmond papers of yesterday,
the Yankees attacked along our who lines hear Fredericksburg
on Saturday and were repulsed & driven back at all Points.
Genl Lee in his official dispatch states that he expected to be
attacked Sunday morning again. Genl JN Morgan captured
& killed 2000 of Rosencranzs Army at Hartsville in Tennessee
with all their Arms, accoutrement, &c.

Thursday 18

Wind NW Clear & cold. Making Shelter for Cattle. Joshua
assisting to kill Sister Ann’s hogs. Sent Nick to Capt Rowe’s
for Salt for Sister Ann & MR Sinclair. Mr Curtis here in m.g.

Friday 19

Wind W Clear & cold. Finished Cow Shelter. Cut and
hauled wood. I went to the Tan Yard to get the
remainder of my Leather (Six Sides) but it was not
finished so did not get it. I fear the Yankees will get it yet.
