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September 1862

Wednesday 17th

Wind SE Clear. Pulling and Shucking Fodder.
I went to the Ct House. Nothing of much importance
from the Seats of War. The former report that
Cincinnati was taken was not true. Buell is said to have
left Nashville and to be falling back to Bowling Green K.y.
and Bragg to be in hot persuit. From our Army in
Maryland there was no reliable information.

Thursday 18

Wind SE Clear. Pulling and Shucking Fodder.
Sold Jas Thomas 20 Bushels Wheat. Cousin Harriet & Mr
Sheldon came here in Ev.g to stay some time.

Friday 19

Wind W in M.g. E Ev.g. Clear. Pulling & shucking Fodder
I went to Wilson’s Creek to go fishing with Mr Curtis and
Boswell Seawell. Fanned & measured the 20 Bushels Wheat
for Jas Thomas in Ev.g.

Saturday 20

Wind SE Cloudy & rained about 2.o.clk & at night
Cut some Tops in Mg. Hands did nothing in Ev.g.
I went to Guinea for Salt, got 2 1/4 Bushels at $4 per Bushel
I did not get my papers by the Mail To.day and
heard nothing but unreliable rumors from our Armies.
