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July 1862

Wednesday 23rd

Wind E Cloudy. Rained a little about Sun set. Nick Cleaning up Middles in lot. Wm & James Ploughing Corn near Granger’s house. Hilling Corn with hoes. I went to Mr Bryan’s he leaves for Cary’s brook via Richmond


this Ev.g. His house servant ^ who has had Rheumatism for six months, went off to join his [namesake and dear friend][underlined] [last night][crossed out] Abraham the 1st last night.

Thursday 24

Wind S&SE Clear till Ev.g. then a Thunder cloud and a very heavy rain. Nick cleaning up Middles in lot James & Ms finished throwing 2nd furrows Hilling Corn. Mr Sheldon dined here. Two of Selden’s women with some children who had been arrested by our Patroll and released from jail by Selden went off to York last night.

Friday 25

Wind SE Clear. Cleaning up Middles with three ploughs. Laying by Corn with hoes. A detachment of Confederate Cavalry are in the County. I hear they burn every thing at


Gloster Point last night except the Wharf which ^ so wet it would not burn before they were driven off by shells from York & a Gun Boat They have arrested several deserters and taken up some Negroes going to the Yankees. Charles Curtis here a short time at night.


July 1862

Saturday 26th

Wind E clear. Breaking up Middles & Laying by Corn. I went to Ct House. Red a letter & some Paper from Warner. The news is cheering from Tennessee & Kentuckey & Vicksburg. Mr Bryan attempted to carry his Negroes up to Cary’s brook and nearly all ran away to York. I believe he only carried some seven or Eight & left some old ones behind. Nine of Mr Sinclairs Negroes and Sister Ann’s man Isaac


went off last ^ and I heard of their going in large numbers from all part of the county. I understand they say, they think the Confederate Cavalry have come here to carry them to Richmond


but they dont ^ [the][crossed out] any such thing, but use it as a pretext and excuse for

                                    even tho

doing what they wanted & intended to do ^ [if][crossed out] they had never come.

Sunday 27

Wind E Clear. We staid at home till Evening when we rode to Mr Selden’s. Our Daughter very poorly at night

Monday 28

Wind SE. Clear. Cleaning up Middles with three Ploughs and laying by Corn with hoes. Mrs Genl Taliaferro & her two little girls came here in Ev.g. Richard went to Belle Farm 25 of Mr Smiths Negroes one from Belle Ville (Johnson) & WB Talia= =ferro’s man George went off last night. Tis said the Yankees are about to evacuate York, hence the Stainpede. Stampede