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July 1862

Sunday 6

Wind S.W. Clear & warm. Sister Ann & Martha Page and
Holly Curtis here. I rode to Wilson’s Creek in m.g. Heard that
tom Fauntleroy (my wife’s first cousin0 was killed on Tuesday.

Monday 7.

Wind SW clear and very hot. Finished cutting wheat &
began to cut Oats in Ev.g. I went to the Ct house
there was about 250 Yankee Cavalry there who after turning
out of jail some Negroes who had been taken up by a
patroll on their way to Gloster Point, they divided a part
going to Mathews and a part up the Count. I dont know where

McClellan’s Army has met with a signal defeat before
Richmond. Immense Numbers killed wounded and taken
prisoners. The balance are being driven by our forces towards
James River in a disorganized & demoralized state and will
I trust be annihilated. We had as prisoners last Thursday
One Major General & Five Brigadeer Generals & 138 comnd Officers

Tuesday 8

Wind SE very hot. Finished weeding Corn at last
Wm & Nick throwing first and James 2nd furrows to Corn,
Wednesday It seems that My Girl Mary went to the Yankees Saturday
night carrying her infant child with her. also a large quantity
of My wifes & childrens clothes, Bed clothing & a great many other
