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November 1861

Friday 1st
Wind NE & E Clear in M.g. Cloudy Ev.g. & began
to rain about 4 O,clk. An Easterly storm is brewing
Sowed 9 ½ bushels Wheat. Maria & the children
spent the day at Sister Anns. I dined there.

Saturday 2
Wind SE m.g Rained and blew a Hurricane all day. West
in Ev.g & cleared off. Hands got a little wood & put up the
fences which were blown down. If Mr Lincolns “Armada
which left Old Point a few days since encountered the “Gale” off the Southern Coast it must have
scattered it & wrecked many of the inferior vessels.

Sunday 3.
Wind W N W Clear. We staid at home
Mr Curtis dined here. Capt Marshall brought
the Negroes over from the Eastern Shore taken in
Deal’s boat. Tow of Mr Curtis’s, Three of Dr Byrd’s
& Three of Mr Clarke’s.

Monday 4
Wind NW Clear. Got wood. Raked & hauled Pine
litters to Hog Pen. Too wet to sow Wheat. I went
to C.H. Sent to Adams & Co to tan Six Hides & 8 Sheep Skin.

Tuesday 5
Wind NW Clear. Raked & hauled Pine litter. Mauled Rails.
Sent to Stubbs’s mill with 5 Bus Wheat, he did not get Flour
He brought 5 Bundles Cot Yarn from Capahosic.
