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February 1861

Thursday 14th
Wind E Cloudy. Throwing up banks. Repairing
fences. John Oystering.

Friday 15
Wind W. Clear. Throwing up and leveling banks
and repairing fences, getting short Rails.

Saturday 16
Wind SW. Clear and beautiful wind blew very
hard from NW. at night. It blew down all the fence
I have lately put up. Getting wood. Raking
& hauling woods litter.

Sunday 17
Wind NW Cloudy. We went to church.

Monday 18
Wind S.W. Cloudy. Delivered to Capt Berry
450 Bushels Corn to carry to Baltimore.
Ploughing Two Ploughs. Repairing fences

Tuesday 19
Wind SW Cloudy. Rained during the night
Ploughing Two Ploughs. Hauling out Manure.
Repairing fences. Carter sick.

Wednesday 20
Wind NW Clear. Ploughing Two Ploughs
hauling out & scattering Hog Pen Manure.
Repairing fences. I went to Richmond and did
not return till Saturday. Maria & the children went
to Wilsons Creek.

