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<html>Glenhope  January the 23, 1863 

Mr David Bucher

Well my Dear Cusin as it 
has ben quite while seince 
I have hurd from any of you I 
thought I would rite a fiew lines 
and let you no that we are all 
well at present and I hope that 
when these fiew lines will reach 
you and find you all the same 
well Cusin I supose that you have 
hurd all about farthers bad misfortune 
about him goin to asale some 
time ago and too men had met 
there that had ben fighting last 
spring coming home from rafting 
and the one still held an old 
[grudg?] at the other and as soon as 
they met there why the one that 
was spiteful run the other one 
