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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon. (CG)

               Stevensville, Oct 18th/56

My dear Sister,

               It is now nearly time for the mail

to start, but I cannot let it pass without an attempt, even at this late hour, to redeem my promise, to write once every fortnight. I had set aside my time to write yesterday, but as I was about to commence Pa told me that he wished me to go to [Manta=pike?] I should have written last night, but had company - Cousin Lottie Jeffries, Cousin Mary Tone and Mr. Ryland were here we had quite a nice lit- tle time. Every body in this neigh- borhood seems to be getting ready for the fair and Cousin Sue's wedding. She will be married you know on the 6th of November. They will have quite a company I expect. I dread the time very much myself as I never enjoy myself at such pla- ces. Miss Ann Carleton, report says, will be married to Mr. Brown on the 4th and Miss Sarah Perks to Mr. William Pointer the follow- ing [week?], They say they are all very glad. I reckon I must try to let you know, if I can fix things, when my wedding will take place in my next letter. I haven't de- cided positively about the time place or companion as yet. I am about to commence board- ing at Brother Richard's. I find it much more convenient to pursue my studies. I have decided not to go to Norfolk. I am going down to Cousin Jack's (Evans) next Saturday and expect to [?] at Church View on Sunday. Viv now you must try and not be, and write so disponding. Try to be more cheerful. The time will soon pass away and you will enjoy the pleasures of home once more. I know how trying it is but my dear Sister be contented and months will pass as weeks and almost as days.

       Sister Ann requested

me when I wrote to give her love, all the family join me in love, write again as soon as you can.

         Excuse this short

and hurriedly written letter. I doubt whether you can make it out, but I'll send it any how. Once more I commend you to our Kind Heavenly Father till we meet again

               Yr. [attached?] bro