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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full text of this document available soon.

Miss Hattie Tyler Jerusalem South ampton Co. Va

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Monday A M March 7th 1870

Dear Coz

I received your dear letter Saturday morning and have taken the first opportunity to answer it. our girls were so impudent mother was compelled to send them away and you may believe, I have not enjoyed sweeping, making beds, washing dishes &c nor has Mother found much pleasure in cooking &c&c&c&c we hope to get new girls to day. perhaps "hope will tell a flattering tale". Every thing is completely covered with snow, and the flakes are falling faster than ever now. "Little white feathers! how swift they go Little white feathers! I love them so!" Isn't it strange to have the

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nicest snow storm in March. we had no real good ones in the winter.

Mr Thomas & Mr. Musgrove were here Saturday evening "they met by chance, the usual way" (as neither of them ever miss coming on Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday evenings).

You must forgive me, but I thought your letter so pretty that I could not resist the temptation of showing a portion of it to Mr. Thomas. he was charmed with it and said he admired the woman that wrote it. he is half crazy to see you, and says I must give him a letter of introduction the next time he goes to Virg- inia. but he fears he will never be good enough to reach Jerusalem.(honestly Cousin mattie he did fall in love with your letter) he also said, you were the woman for him. and begged me ot send you the enclosed poem, as his sentiments, and the card with his respects, and hoped I would speak a good word for him (?) and so I will (bless his little heart) to begin with he is very intelligent, and witty, fond of fun, never chews smokes or drinks. (business) "Southern correspondent of the Phil[?] Press" he writes very well, and is always very complimentary to Southern ladies. he is not tall, black hair, black eyes, heavy eye brows, black moustache always dresses in Black broad cloth. how do you like him? I was so sorry to hear of poor Grandmas

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illness. I wish I could do something for her. she is better now, isn't she? fond live to all. is Miss Romine married yet. I reckon you have cut her out. Write soon to. "Antoinette"

I was not to read the enclosed. but the temptation was too great I think it real pretty, don't you?

Answered on the 20th of March.