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Brunswick Cty Virginia

January the 1th 1863

Dear son

It is with sincere pleasure that I now seat myself to write you a few lines to let you know that I received your letter It afforded me great pleasure to


receive a letter ^ you and to hear that you an Lark was well. These lines leaves me and all the rest of the family well at present hoping when they reach you they may find you all enjoying the same great blessing I have no news of any [conseqe – crossed out] consequence to write

It was very dull Christmas about here. They had an egg nog drinking one night at Williams, they said they was a good many ladies an boys there, but very few men. Your sweetheart was there. Tell Lark I think if he dont make hast and come home he will loose his, she had a new beau bucking up to her at William James Rawling left here yesterday and says he


expect to go to the army in a few +. You and Lark must come home as soon as you can, I want to see [you-crossed out] both of you very bad indeed, Your Pa speaks of going down to see you all about the middle of this month.

All the children send their love to you and Lark. Give my love to Lark and Harvey and all enquiring friends and receive


a portion your self Your affection mother

                                     Martha A G Rawlings