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Dear Mort Brunswick County Va Nov 29 1861

I have again seated myself to write you a few lines to inform you that we are all well at Presant and have been ever sence I saw you at the Camp and hoping these lines may find you enjoying

                                        the camp

Good helth we had a very pleasant trip from home we arrived home on Friday envening after leaving the camp wednesday we had to stay in Staunton wednesday night and setout for Richmond Thursday morning arrived in Richmond about dark started from Richmond next morning at 5 o clock and arrived home that day about sunset our trip cost us about fifty dollars each

we have go you things Ready to send to you and I did Expect to start them on tomorrow to you by Mr [Jas?] Birdsong but I understand that he has sent a certificate from Dr Harrison to get a Furlough to last him during the winter so you need not look for him shortley he told me the other day he expected to start Tomorrow I do not know when I shall have the chance to send you things as Lew Weaver does not expect to go to the company until about Christmas or after and it is useless to send them by Rail Road without some person to take charge of them for they will be throwned in the ware House and you


will never get them but I will send by the good opportunity you must do the best you can and take care of yourself and not try to discharge duty when you are not able


The neighbours are all well so far as I know tell the Kings boys there Ma Family are all well Mr Wrights Family also and Mr Daniels family is all well tell Ransom


& Dick that there Father have got a home in the neighbourhod of Smokey Ordinary on Mr. Thomas Chambless land and talks of moving tomorrow –

Tell Robert King that I spoke to Russell to make his Boots and his price is Ten dollars I expect to go after them to day and will send them with your things in the Box I want you to write to me as soon as you get this letter as I want to here from you very bad & how your cough & pain in the side have got I am very fearful lying on the wet ground will [?] you [?] again The Family all send there love to you and says you must write


offen – You find in this letter a note to Mr. S J Moseley which will hand to him I have nothing more to write at presant Only remaining Respectfully William M Rawlings J W Rawlings