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Gholsonville Brunswick Cty, Va Sept 19th 1861

Dear Brother

It affords me great pleasure to seat myself for the first time since your departure to let you know that I have not forgotten you And to inform you that we are all well at present. And hope when these few lines reach you they may find you enjoying the same great blessing and on the land amongst the living. Boy Laund & Caroline have had the Diptheria very bad indeed but is well at present I hope if they do not take cold.

I have no news of much importance except we have a battle in this neighbourhood occationally. Old Pierce commence a protracted meeting at Rock Church the third Sabbath in this month and lasted three day and had three converts and the name of those were Mrs Willie Kidd Little Jack [Hannis?] and one of William Sevand son

I heard that [Scnap?] was at the point of death tell him to make hast and get well because Susie is well and in the full enjoyment of life and waiting


with the expectation of beholding his face again. Tell Alfred dont let the devil lead him astray while he is up there for his dear beloved Miss Lucy Houre was immense the last day of the [p...t....?] -ed meeting face foremost so I heard I did not see it All of Uncle Williams family were well yestedy & Mr Daniel & Mrs Wright & Mrs King’s all except herself she has been complaining for several day but not dangerous. Harvey is well but Sarah think she has the Mumps. I[crossed out]

I saw a letter from Mr Wright yestedy stating that you were not well Ma say if you keep sick and come back to Staunton you had better come home and stay until you get better.

Ma say send her word whether you want any


flannel + or not for she has had the flannel for some time to make them and Pa has written some time ago to you to know what you needed and he would send you such thing as you wanted he has written to you twice since he received a letter from you. Ma say when you write again send her word where you all are going and she will send you a box of victual and a box of cloathes if you want them Ma say you must write often than you do if you dont write but two lines so she can hear from you if nothing else. Ma & Pa and all of the


children sends their best love to you and receive a portion from me.

Pa sent you a half a quire of paper about a Month ago and some enevelope and have never heard whether you got them or not.

You must write to me assoon as you get this and write me all of the news in that part of the country and write me ward who is sick in that company You must excuse bad writing and look


over all mistakes for my pen so bad I cant half.

Give my love to all enquiring friends but they are far betwen and a distance apart in that region. Nothing more at present But remains your true and devoted Sister Henrietta V Rawlings