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Head Quarters Major General Price

Tupelo, Missi. August 27, 1862


On my return to Head Quarters from an Official visit to Montgomery, under instructions from General Price, your letter of the 10th Instant was handed me. I hasten to acknowledge its receipt, but not to reply, in full, to its contents. I will, however, address you more at large within a few days. For the present I will merely observe, in relation to the first paragraph, that whereas I have little, or no "faith, in the integrity & patriotism" of Southern Politicians of the Washington Stamp, having watched them well at Home & at Washington for twenty years, and the more especially sine 1849, still, for the sake of charity, I am willing to ascribe to President Davis, simply, "nonability to meet the emergencies of this Crisis." - that he has never "comprehended them" I have always felt assured. Nevertheless, I pray you consider well how far you grant the two measures he is now asking at the hands of Congress - first, the extension of the Conscript Law; - second, the power of remove officers at will. Place me in his shoes and, with these two acts in my Pocket, I could, and - such is the infirmity of human nature - probably would, while achieving Independence, place the Republic beneath my heel and plant a kingly crown upon my brown. By the first I would draw from