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This transcription has not been verified by Special Collections Research Center Staff. Please also consult images of the document.

the " 1863 Sep [illegible]

Dear friend

I now take my pen in hand to let you know that i am well and hope you are the same i have just received your letter to day and was glad of it and have been reddy [illegible] for you to send me a letter but to day is friday so i cant come up this week i will come up next week next tuesday moring in the 10 o clock trane and i want you to come up to the depo and meat me wont you we have been to the post ofice every day and just got your letter til to day i hope you and i wont get despointed a going be shore and come up to the depo wont you tuesday morning at 10 oclock because i dont know wair you live or wendsday morning but i think i shal come tuesday. i dont know of [illegible] to rite for i shal let it when i come so good bye from your true friend

Judith A Coersor

P S we all send our love to you and your mother and the baby kiss [illegible] me and the children

rite soon