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Richmond Aug. 16. 1864

Mon Cher

I have just been informed of an opportunity to you, and although our [illegible] has written to you as fully or as [illegible] as possible, I know you will be gratified by a sight of my [illegible] known head and the assurance of our constant affection for you and all around you in your household. One other son is absent but well, and performing his duties satisfactorily. So is the one who is now with me. We have no cause to be dissatisfied with either. And could you and I be once more together, I am very sure you would unite with me in rendering a just habit to their merits. J. I know is highly appreciated by those whose approbation is of consequence. His energy, zeal and activity recommend him more highly to them, and his services are extremely important.

He will have told you of my receipt of your letter of the 13th. [illegible] with its enclosures, and what has been done with them. There is something odd in the miscarriage of N.M.'s certs. They were sent soon after mine, which were in safely. I mean of course the B.S.P.Co. J. has no doubt explained to you my idea, that the transaction must of course relate back to the absolute transfer as of that date. J. writes to you by this opportunity also, and requests you to place to my credit in Gilliat's hands $300, on which from time to time I can draw as I may require, and to let me know when you have done so.

I trust the time is not very distant when our intercourse will be less restricted. If ever we do meet, we shall be like the two talking French philosophers, of whom one despairs of his ability to edge in a word, unless his collocuter "sa'rretait pour cracker." I would consent to be dumb for a month just to enjoy once again the tone of your voice.

[illegible] M. wife W. and I know I may add one son W. in spirit, although in the flesh he is absent, unite in the most cordial salutations to you. [illegible] R. agnes and in short every member of your family - My own you know ever attend you.

Always yours,
