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        Philade. Aug 14th 1861
My dear Son.
    I hand you herewith a letter
from your Mother & a few lines from Mr Reed
to you, also a letter to your Aunt Octave which
you will please mail on its receipt.
    Do not forget to request Mr
Walke to send me a “statement of the financial
condition”? of the Company on the 1st inst & if
its “Receipts & disbursements”? for the six months
ending on that date.   I have not received the
letter you mentioned his having written me.
    Let me know as soon as the divi-
=dend is declared the amount of it & whether
that due is the stock standing in your name
in trust as well as in the stock   in the name
of Ed Whelen & Co. lately handed you when
last here, as well as   the interest on the bonds
in their name payable on the 1st anno will
certainly be received by you at Portsmouth so
that I may make my arrangements accordingly.
Ask Mr Walke also to inclose me the customary a
list of interest & dividends on stock & bonds
which will neither not be paid at Portsmouth nor
or remitted for, that I may provide for them
If I can here.   This I may be able to do by getting
the Sea Bay company to declare an extra dividend

out of the Money Treasury notes to be       received by them in payment
of the Philadelphia.
    After the coming dividend it
seems to me it will be clearly your policy to
avoid declaring another, unless it can be done
after meeting all expences (keeping the road,
machinery in the best Condition) & interest.
    You will probably have learned
that the Confiscation bill as it finally passed
the Congress of the U S: is in a much less objectionable form
then at first proposed.   I hope under these
circumstances that any retaliatory act of, by
the Congress of the Confederate States may have
been limited to persons in Arms against the
Southern States as suggested by you.   But if other
=wise, you will I hope be able to prevent any actual
sale of S & R   & R & P stock or bonds under it, in which
case as a treat of peace whenever made will
no doubt provide for a restoration of confiscated
property in possession of either government, no
serious injury may result to either the Compa-
=nies or individuals.   In the event of action under
the bill by a sale it is most probable that
the Company at the end of the war would have
to recognize both the New & Old titles.   On this
account it will be very important to the
interest of the Virginia Stockholders in the
R F & P & S & R roads that if a bill of confis-

=cation should pass no sale should take
place under it.,
    The same view of course applies to the
Rte Richnond & Petersburg RR Co.
        In haste
            Your Affectionate father
                M Robinson