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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

                                                        Buchanan Dec 4, 1865

My dear Sir,

    I am sorry to have to report to you the low price obtained for your property.  I [?][?] it - so two [?][?] incurring [?] a heavy expense, and sent many hand bills about and had notice[s?] put up in many public places. [On?] Boarding House [?] to the [?] on the same day.Yet the [purchasor?] ([all: Brake?])had the property [?] off to him for [$?]1650 With all the advantages of paying on the notes of the Bank of Virginia [?] Branch.  [?] [?] [assured?] when [?] I will send you.  It will fall short of paying the debt and the insurance paid by Mr[s?] [?] Nelson.  1. Pay all ac'ts [?] for Lucinda [?] him. The Banking House and [?] sold for $1600 only.  I advertised the sale of a [?] of my [?] -  had [?][?][?] a few articles were sold at [?] [?][?][his?][valise?] and I [?] the sale.

Your friend, J. Anthony