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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

Document Description: Puffer writes that he has been directed by the Commanding General to inform Sally Galt that she is not exempt from the general order. She must take the oath or be sent across the lines. She may donate her property to the Lunatic Asylum.

                    Head Quarters

Department of Virginia & North Carolina

    Office Commission for Exchange
          In the field Oct 22nd/64


      In reply to your communi

cation of the 15th I am directed by the Commanding General to inform you that he can see no reason why you should be made an exception of to the general order issued. There fore you will have to take the oath as prescribed per general order or be sent across the lines.

       You are at full liberty to do

nate your property to the Lunatic Asylum.

                      Very respectfully

Miss Sally M. Galt Yr obedient Servant Wmsburg Capt. & A.D.C. A.F. Puffer Va