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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

  Died in Williamsburg Va. May 18th 1862

Dr. John M. Galt, son of the late Dr. Alexander D. Galt

  Dr. Galt was Superintendent & Physician

of the Eastern Lunatic Asylum & he nobly & consci- entiously performed the duties attended thereon. It might be said of him as was said of his Phi- lanthropic Father, that "his duty was perform- ed with as scrupulous fidelity, as though the Recording Angel of Heaven's Chancery had been ever by his side."

  The Asylum is a noble & enduring mo-

nument to his memory. His zeal in contri- buting to the comfort of those committed to his care knew no wearying, & knowlege gained by diligent investigation on this con- tinent, & in Europe was used with perfect success to re-illume the darkened mind.

  This great & good man was well known

in Europe & in this country for his philan- thropic life, & literary attainments, & liter- ature is enriched by his learning & elegant writings. Science mourns an irreparable loss; for a bright & shining light has left her world forever!

  He was dearly loved on earth & sure-

ly much loved by his Heavenly Father for "the Lord loveth a cheerful giver" & his name was a synonyme for dis- interested kindness & generosity - giving to all who asked - never turning away from the poor & needy.

  To those to whom he was the dearest
on earth, from childhood to manhood he