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        Curtis Peek, Jas Run
                June 12 '61

My dear little wifie,

                  And so you

have been sick darling + my mother too + dear little babies? Ah darling you did not tell me this! Hereafter tell me every thing about my household. Jennie Ames surprised me by coming onboard at City Point + from her I learned that you were all better. Mary Ann especially chured me by her act. It looks Providintial to my eyes that I should have drawn on the North + got back Babys nurse by going to Warrenton. Let me accept it as a good omen. A large force has been sent down to York, + I incline to the opinion that we will be so strong there

that the enimy will not advance.

  Of this be assured, I shall be

very prudent, + take care not to get your precious husband hurt.

  Tell me when you write

if all my letters have reached you. On yesterday I mailed four. One with a certificate of Norh

  I am in excellent health

+ today travel at the expense of the quarter master Dept. being engaged as you know getting men for Barrows Battery.

  God bless you darling!

I shall write from Westbury.