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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

             We are [...]

& earnestly tearfully prayerfully en- treat that you will remove from us the requirement of taking the oath.

             It is not the treasure which

"moth & rust doth corrupt" that our a_ gonized hearts rebel at leaving for in this sense all that was most va- luable has long ago,_ in the commence ment of the war been sent into the con_ federacy, but one cannot without bitter est deepest anguish leave the homes of our childhood the scenes of our youth of our children, those grassy mounds Oh Holy Dust how can we give Thee up!_ all that is left to some berea_ ved hearts of what made life precious In your dying hour, that hour which must come alike to all, the good, the wise the great, as well as to the lowly , this thought will come, that you exercised the noblest gift & perogative of a sol_ dier, clemency, Yes this remembrance will light the "dark valley of the Shadow of death".

             Taking the oath may be

to us a temptation to assist the Confede_ rates for Satan is aware of the weak points in human nature, & like an experienced General is skillful in knowing when & where to attack; & it is a truth well known to all that when imperatively forbidden to pursue a

(Page 1)

[...] that is the path we are most eager to follow.

             The Confederates in Williamsburg

are as to numbers a mere handful, & will never give information to the enemy.

             Now General Wistar please

grant our request, & when the present is the past, the record of the war is written your name intwined with the history of your country, that name will go down to the latest of time in all lands & all languages inseperably united with a kind act; & a generous action is surely the most grateful tribute we can offer to Heaven.

             We do not present our

petition in our own name but in the name of the precious Saviour, who has died for us all & given to us the Divine Evangel, contained in the fifth Beatitude "Be ye merciful, as ye hope to obtain mercy!

If it be not presumtuous to say so, per haps the above may suggest some idea to the ladies should they send their petition

                   S. M. Galt