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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full text of the document available soon.

                   Yorktown Va  Feb 23rd 1862
       Dear sis (Vie?) your kind letter

was received a day or two ago. i was glad to hear from yu. i would have answered it before now but i Dint have time as i was very busy dabing my chimney. have finished our house all accept making the beds and the Door. I hope you are all well. I would like to be at home about this time seems like all the young ladies are going to get married. I heard that miss Carrie Allen was married. I hope miss _________ __________ wont get married before I get back. how are the ladies getin on in our neighborhood how do the boys and the (Hickses?) get on. do they sell chickens to them yet. tell Tink and Charley if they had their chickens here could get 40 cent (and a?) cent for them eggs 35 cents every thing is hier. the boys have got a dog fight out on the color line. I must close my love to all at home.

                    Your devoted Brother.  R. C. Martin