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     A very merry Christmas! - made

especially special by being our first peace-

time Yuletide season in four years! 

The day passed quietly at home with

just an intermission out to deliver

presents this morning.  The turkey and

plum pudding dinner was delicious and

the whole general atmosphere and

spirit, more than satisfactory.

     Santa Claus outdid himself this

year with a really lush set of gold

pin and earrings; a [snaky?] black

dress; a coral wool jacket; six

teaspoons; [nickles?]; a honey of a

white house coat; pigskin gloves;

stockings; slippers; bath stuff;

stationery; shoe and laundry bags;

blue pocketbook; charm bracelet;

[“after-skiing”?] Cozees; bed socks; covered

coat hangers; and compact to persevere

with the spoiled brat tradition.
