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Revision as of 15:56, 6 April 2022 by Geelston (talk | contribs)

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     A lovely two-for-one occassion,

since it was both Mother’s birthday

and the carrying out of the extremely

happy Victory.  War’s End celebration !!

Mother seemed very pleased with

her gifts and the day passed

very nicely.  Our stay at the

hospital was uneventful, and

then we faced the crowds in the

city to see “Song of Norway.”  It

was a charming play based on

the music of Edvard Grieg and

we both enjoyed it immensely.

     The Times Square area is

blocked off up to 52 St and the

street and sidewalks both

surge with people.  Flags fly

from each building.  It’s a wonderful


     Not quite believable side issue [is?]

the end of gas rationing & that of canned

