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     A confusing day, spent at first in

the hospital where at noon for no

good reason, up in the Fountain Room, I

fainted for the first time in my life.

It must have been the Heat Wave that

inspired me. – Mother drove me home

and I lay around the house for

awhile until Jimmy called to check

on tonight’s date.  By then, I felt [?]

better and started to get ready for

another wonderful evening.  Jimmy cam[e]

about 6:30 and we went into the Astor

Bar where we sat until time to see

“Carousel” which was quite enjoyable,

though not as good as we’d expected.

Afterwards, we went to Zimmermann’s

Hungarian Restaurant where we had [Chicken?]

Chow Mien.  Floor show was faintly corny

and we took a taxi down to the Village

Barn in Greenwich Village – got home [with?]

the dawn – very happy – though sorry [that?]

I won’t see Jim again – he’s so swell.
