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from Clarke, (who have to report here every week) say
that our loss was but 160 killed and wounded
while with the enemy it was a perfect slaughter,
They marched into a sort of amphitheatre, round
which Jackson had posted his troops, who were
sheltered by woods, while the others were entirely unprotect
=ed, They way this morning that a dispatch has
arrived, saying that Jackson is a prisoner.
We do not alarm ourselves yet. Our last [comfort] in
the newspaper line is cut off, the publication of the
Maryland news shut is forbidden, and the editor
sent to Fort McHenry. the distribution of it here was
stopped some weeks ago, but Mrs Hopkins received
her copy by mail from the office in Baltimore,
and always shared it with us. McClellan is leaving
James River as rapidly as possible, for another river
in Va. Most probably the Rappahannock, to unite
with Pope.
Saturday August 16th More accounts today from
our side, confirming the report of our wonderfully
small loss, 160 only, Maj. Fred Holliday is said
to have lost his right arm, this is the only casualty
we have heard of amony our friends.
Monday August 18th We have been notified that
if we continue to use the prayer for the President
[of] the Confederate States, at our prayer meetings, [th...]
[...] [?...ed] as seditions and [...]
[...], but we can only submit, [...]
[?...ed] to hear that Gen. Winder is certainly [...]
We hear too that his brigade suffered severely, but
can get no particulars yet. McClellan is landing
his forces at Acqiua Creek, to co-operate with Pope,
and there must be another terrible battle, before