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                        Nov. 4, 1942

            I got a C+ on Monday’s Soc. test and 92

on a pop quiz (100 true-false questions) today so I’m

improving and am muchly relieved.

            Beth, Lou, Ginny and I went to a Flat

Hat business staff meeting.  I addressed 45 envelopes

to parents and guardians of students asking

if they’d like to subscribe to the Flat Hat.

                        Nov. 5, 1942

            Exciment in the form of seeing “Now

Voyager” starring Bette Davis.  Doggone, it wa[s]

superb, with so much depth to it.  The male

star was Paul Henreid and he’s a dream.  I


            It’s now two weeks since I’ve last heard

from Bill Boyd.  I’m worried.  I wonder –

                        Nov. 6, 1942

            The philosophy quiz was grim.

Better Lanier, Kappa Delta’s provence

president came for the weekend to inspect

and visit.  We’re all on our best behavior.

                        Nov. 7, 1942

            My Economics Exam wasn’t bad at
