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Bill Hagedorn, a Lieutenant at Fort Eustis.

                        Nov. 1, 1942

            Mimi Boone, Mimi [Jardine?] and I went to

the Presbyterian church.  Then a gang of us

met Lou, Ginny and Kay for dinner at the

cafeteria.  I studied for Sociology this afternoon

                        Nov. 2, 1942

            I’ve got my cast and crutches!

Gah, it’s a neusance and I’ve discovered musales

in my arms, my good leg and hands that I

never knew existence.  Everyone’s being super to

me and more people I never knew stop to

chat with me, so there’s no sense complaining.

            We had a sorority meeting – plans were

talked over to try to settle the mess of the cook

and maids in the houses striking for higher wages.

It’s terrific!

                        Nov. 3, 1942

            My English exam was pretty much of a

stinker.  Oh well – My crutches still annoy me.

            Today was Daddy’s birthday so I

phoned him.  It was awfully good speaking to

him again.
