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            I got a letter from Floyd: he got his

questionnaire from the draft board last week !!!

                        Oct. 29. 1942

            Beth and I studied for philosophy and

our Spanish exams.  We saw the team off for


                        Oct. 30. 1942

            My Spanish exam wasn’t too bad and

I got B on my last week’s philosophy quiz.

I went up in the tower and fooled around

at the Wigwam.

            A gang of us saw “Thunder Rock”

the play put on by the college players.  It

was morbid and a bit too fanciful, but good,

in a way.

                        Oct. 31. 1942

            After classes, we fooled around downtown

and then say “My Sister Eileen.”  It was a

riot and Rosalind Russell was perfect!

Mimi Boone, Beth, Elain, Midge, Danny and I

went to the Wigwam for supper.

            I got a special from Bill Brennan

plus a letter for Bill Hughes and one from
