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                        Oct. 27. 1942

            Mother and I played around some more

all day, having lunch at the Lodge, then she took me

to Dr. Tucker to see about my foot which has

bothered me ever since I sprained it four

weeks ago.  Result: starting Monday I have to

put my foot in a cast and go around on

crutches.  E god! I’ll have to keep it up

for at least two weeks.

                        Oct. 28. 1942

            Mother went home this morning.  It

was super having her down and I shall miss


            I went to classes and gym, with Miss

Parguette being real sympathetic about my


            Nellie Grieves and I bought refreshments

for tonight’s meeting of the Foreign Travel Club;

and then I studied Economics and Sociology.

            We went to chapel and then to the

Foreign Travel Club meeting.  Not many showed

up tonight but it was fun.  We elected Cary

