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Corps wings.

                        Oct. 9, 1942

            After Spanish, Cary and I went up

into the Methodist Church Tower to do more

airplane spotting.  It didn’t seem as though

it had been months since we were up last.

We spotted just one plane – an Army single

motor – but enjoyed the view anyhos.

            I had my picture taken for the

Colonial Echo.  I know it’ll be grim – I’m

so completely unphotogenic.  I refuse to

even worry about it though till the

grim day when I get the proofs back.

            Becky and I went to see Doris and

Muggsee again to help Doris pin up

and evening dress.  It looked good!

                        Oct. 10, 1942

            “Peggy,” (Dottie Hogshire) and Pat Harper were

married today in Norfolk and all us KD’s went

to Norfolk to the wedding – my first.  It was

really perfection.  Dottie was a radiantly

beautiful bride and everything was wonderful.

She was married at home and had a reception
