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must confess that I still prefer to

eat in the house.

            We tried out for the business staff

of the Flat Hat – I don’t know how far that

will go, though.

                        Sept. 30, 1942

            In tennis, I pulled a tendon or

something in my foot and just about ruined

it.  As a result I am limping around


            I went over to see Doris again – she’s

got a sore throat.

            We went to Chapel and then to a

Spanish Club meeting which was called off at

the last minute.  We came back to the house

and studied for our Woman’s Student

Government test which we took at 10:00 P.M.

                        October 1, 1942

            Philosophy, Economics and English

Lit. were complicated again.  Econ. is really

getting me down.

            The KD’s went to the Red Cross

workroom and made surgical dressing
