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to see "Porgy and Bess," which was not 

one bit overrated and was really 

very stirring.  I'm a fiend for George 

Gershwin's music anyhos.  Floyd wanted 

to go to the Hotel Edison to dance 

afterwards, but I was getting weary 

and we came home.  Floyd sent me 

a beautiful corsage of red rosebuds 

inserted in white gladioli.  Super!

                         July 30, 1942

     I felt sort of squeamish 

after last night and so didn't 

go down to the Nursery.  Eddie 

Damm, Eddie Boylan, Jimmy [Moorey ?]

and Joe McCoy came out again 

and we had more fun.  Bugsie, 

Pats and Joanie also came up. 

Eddie Damm is going into the

Marines next Wednesday.  Gosh, 

it's really awful when the 

fellows go off into the service. 

I wonder when it'll all end, - 

and how!
