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things.  I was practically dead by the 

time five o'clock rolled around, but 

I like the work [anyhos?]

     When I got home I was thrilled 

to find that my sorority pin had 

at last come - I'd waited for it so 

long. It really is a beauty!

     Floyd stopped by and as it 

was just before supper time he stayed, 

but left (diplomatically!) before Bill 

Boyd's arrival.  And what an arrival!

He brought me such a precious

gold bracelet set with five aqua-

[na...s?].  As anyone can well imagine, 

I was tickled pink with it and 

shall always cherish it. Bill and 

I went into Radio City to see "Mrs. 

Miniver" which moved us both

greatly.  It was marvelous.  We had 

Malteds and then came home .  

Bill came in for awhile and we 

talked quite seriously for awhile. 

Our relationship had always seemed
